Electronic Agreements image

Electronic Agreements

By Fiserv

This DNAapp creates and/or updates agreements in the specified Agreement Type to enable account-owner access to account information through a third-party internet-banking provider and / or the Voice Response (VRU) system. The application produces a detail report of the agreements created/updated, with totals.

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This application creates and/or updates agreements in the specified Agreement Type to enable account-owner access to account information through a third-party internet banking provider and / or the Voice Response (VRU) system.  The application produces a detail report of the agreements created/updated, with totals.

The application links eligible accounts to agreements owned by the account owner and / or those persons with the appropriate Account Roles, to provide the ability to access account information via the internet-banking and / or VRU channels.

This application is not designed to work with so-called "plastic card" agreements such as ATM or debit cards and should not be used to create internet agreements for e-CB.



This application automates the creation of Web Banking (and other channel) agreements in DNA®, eliminating what is normally a manual process, and ensuring consistency. Multiple configuration options allow the Financial Institution to tailor the process to suit their business needs and rules.

App Information

Version - Published March 2024
Developer Website


DNAapp Type: Batch Application

Developed with DNAcreator™

Technical Name - PS_AGREE

DNAX File Name: PS_AGREE.dnax