ClickSWITCH Integration image

ClickSWITCH Integration

By Prometheus Financial Solutions LLC

This DNAapp is a ClickSWITCH integration with the DNA core system. ClickSWITCH is a 3rd party system that enables Financial Institutions to help their new customers/members switch their incumbent/current ACH and recurring payments to the new Financial Institution as part of the onboarding process.

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This DNAapp is a ClickSWITCH integration with the DNA core system. ClickSWITCH is a 3rd party system that enables Financial Institutions to help their new customers/members switch their incumbent/current ACH and recurring payments to the new Financial Institution as part of the onboarding process.

ClickSWITCH connects to a Financial Institution's system via multiple channels (core, online banking) and after retrieving data from the Financial Institution's system, takes the Financial Institution's representative or customer/member through a series of interview-type screens that then allow the customer's/member's ACH or recurring payments at other Financial Institutions to be switched to the new Financial Institution. 

ClickSWITCH can handle the switching for direct deposit, recurring payments, etc., through this process versus the customer/member having to do this on their own. By embedding this into the new customer/member account onboarding process as an option, this allows the Financial Institution to offer enhanced service by helping new customers/members switch information from their current/incumbent accounts to the Financial Institution more easily.




  • Allows ability to launch ClickSWITCH from the new ClickSWITCH screen within DNA.
  • The new ClickSWITCH screen can be reached thru the Deposit Account Maintenance screen or thru the ClickSWITCH wizard.
  • Provides the User with a preview screen prior to beginning the ClickSWITCH interview process to ensure all the needed information is available from the DNA side.
  • Application exception messages are provided to help the User identify any missing information so it can be corrected prior to the interview process.
  • Allows ability to pass the required information to ClickSWITCH so the Financial Institution does not have to re-enter all required information in ClickSWITCH.
  • Allows ability to utilize the Financial Institution's API key or the Employee's Key.
  • Utilizes standard DNA authorizations practices.
  • Allows ability to pass Canadian addresses.


App Information

Version - Published May 2024
Developer Website


DNAapp Type: Screens/Process

Developed with DNAcreator™

DNAX File Name: ClickSWITCH.dnax