Relationship Extracts for Enteract
The Relationship Extracts for Enteract DNAapp is a comprehensive set of reporting batch applications that collectively produce hundreds of possible data fields/points intended to be loaded into and utilized for the Enteract from Fiserv customer relationship management (CRM) system.
The Relationship Extracts for Enteract DNAapp is a comprehensive set of reporting batch applications that collectively produce hundreds of possible data fields/points intended to be loaded into and utilized for the Enteract from Fiserv customer relationship management (CRM) system.
The Relationship Extracts for Enteract DNAapp consists of 12 separate User Manuals, 14 Batch Applications (SQTs) and 42 Extract Files (CSV format).
The user manuals, batch applications and their corresponding extract files are as follows:
1. Enteract Company Extract User Manual
The Enteract Company Extract (FEN_COMPANY.SQT) batch application is a non-updating batch application that extracts a list of organization records with demographics and account summary information.
- Enteract Company Extract (FEN_COMPANY.SQT)
- Company Extract (company.csv)
2. Enteract Customer Relations Extracts User Manual
The Enteract Customer Relations Extracts (FEN_CUSTREL.sqt) batch application is a non-updating batch application that produces three CSV extract files. The extract files contain data related to the per person's identification records, warning flags, lockout flags, notes and all account roles associated to the accounts for person and organization records.
- Enteract Customer Relations Extracts (FEN_CUSTREL.SQT)
- Customer Identification Extract (customeridentification.csv)
- Alert Extract (alert.csv)
- Customer Product Relationship Extract (customerproductrelationship.csv)
3. Enteract Deposit Extracts User Manual
The Enteract Deposit Extracts application consists of two non-updating batch applications Enteract Fixed Deposit (FEN_FIXDEP.SQT) and Enteract Casa Extract (FEN_CASA.SQT) that each produce an extract file. The fixed deposit extract lists all time deposit (certificate) accounts and their related information where the casa extract lists all checking and savings accounts and their related information.
- Enteract Fixed Deposit (FEN_FIXDEP.SQT)
- Fixed Deposit Extract (fixeddeposit.csv)
- Enteract Casa Extract (FEN_CASA.SQT)
- CASA Extract (casa.csv)
4. Enteract Enrolled Services Extract User Manual
The Enteract Enrolled Services Extracts (FEN_ENROLL.SQT) batch application is a non-updating batch application that produces two CSV extract files. The enrolled services are a list of all person and organization records that are enrolled in a services or channels. The enrolled services customer product extract is a list of all accounts linked to the services or channels defined for the services or channels.
- Enteract Enrolled Services (FEN_ENROLL.SQT)
- Enrolled Services Extract (enrolledserivces.csv)
- Enrolled Services Customer Products (enrolledservicescustomerproducts.csv)
5. Enteract Loan Extracts User Manual
The Enteract Loan Extracts application consists of two non-updating batch applications that each produce one CSV extract file. The commercial loan extract is a list of all loan accounts owned by an organization and the related account details. The retail loan extract is a list of all loan accounts owned by a person and the related account details.
- Enteract Commercial Loan Extract (FEN_CML.SQT)
- Commercial Loan Extract (commercialloan.csv)
- Enteract Retail Loan Extract (FEN_RETAIL.SQT)
- Retail Loan Extract (retailloan.csv)
6. Enteract Master Ancillary Extracts User Manual
The Enteract Master Ancillary Extracts (FEN_MSTANC.sqt) batch application is a non-updating batch application that produces four CSV extract files. Product is a list of all products for a Financial Institution. These extracts are the master files based on the values set for the Financial Institution. The NAICS is a list of all values for the NAICS codes. The master officer is a list of all employee records. The product type extract is a list of category codes defined by Enteract for the products.
- Enteract Master Ancillary Extracts (FEN_MSTANC.SQT)
- Master Product Extract (masterproduct.csv)
- Master NAICS Extract (masternaics.csv)
- Master Officer Extract (masterofficer.csv)
- Master Product Type Extract (masterproducttype.csv)
7. Enteract Master Location Extracts User Manual
The Enteract Master Location Extracts (FEN_MSTLOC.sqt) batch application is a non-updating batch application that produces five CSV extract files. These extracts are the master files based on the values set for the Financial Institution. The branch extract is a list of all branches of the Financial Institution. The city and country extracts are lists of all cities and countries established in the database. The currency lists all currencies and the state extract is a list of all states established in the database.
- Enteract Master Location Extracts (FEN_MSTLOC.SQT)
- Master Branch Extract (masterbranch.csv)
- Master City Extract (mastercity.csv)
- Master Country Extract (mastercountry.csv)
- Master Currency Extract (mastercurrency.csv)
- Master State Extract (masterstate.csv)
8. Enteract Master Marketing Extracts User Manual
The Enteract Master Marketing Extracts (FEN_MSTMKT.sqt) batch application is a non-updating batch application that produces seven CSV extract files. These extracts are the master files based on the values set for the Financial Institution. Employment status is a list of employment statuses defined. ID Type is a list of all identification types. Income source is a list of all income sources defined. Language is a list of all languages. Occupation is a list of all occupations defined by the Financial Institution. Salutation is a list of all salutations defined.
- Enteract Master Marketing Extracts (FEN_MSTMKT.SQT)
- Master Employment Status Extract (masteremploymentstatus.csv)
- Master ID Type Extract (masteridtype.csv)
- Master Income Source Extract (masterincomesource.csv)
- Master Language Extract (masterlanguage.csv)
- Master Marital Status Extract (mastermaritalstatus.csv)
- Master Occupation Extract (masteroccupation.csv)
- Master Salutation Extract (mastersalutation.csv)
9. Master System Services Extracts User Manual
The Enteract Master System Services Extracts (FEN_MSTSYS.sqt) batch application is a non-updating batch application that produces seven CSV extract files. These extracts are the master files based on the values set for the Financial Institution. ATM is a list of all ATMs. Channel is a list of the channels defined for the enrolled services application. Corporate Segment is a list of all corporate segments defined. Document type is a list of all document types defined. Retail Segment is a list of all retail segments defined. Customer Party Type is a list of all person roles, person relationships and organization roles defined by the Financial Institution. Master Customer Product Party Type is a list of all account roles defined.
- Master System Services Extracts (FEN_MSTSYS.SQT)
- Master ATM Extract (masteratm.csv)
- Master Channel Extract (masterchannel.csv)
- Master Corporate Segment Extract (mastercorporatesegment.csv)
- Master Document Type Extract (masterdocumenttype.csv)
- Master Retail Segment Extract (masterretailsegment.csv)
- Master Customer Party Type (mastercustomerpartytype.csv)
- Master Customer Product Party Type (mastercustomerproductpartytype.csv)
10. Enteract Miscellaneous Extracts User Manual
The Enteract Miscellaneous Extracts (FEN_MSCEXT.SQT) batch application is a non-updating batch application that produces three CSV extract files. Debit Card is a list of all debit cards and their details. Trade Finance is a list of all safe deposit box accounts and letter of credit accounts and their details. Syndicates is a list of all investor and participation accounts and their details.
- Enteract Miscellaneous Extracts (FEN_MSCEXT.SQT)
- Debit Card Extract (debitcard.csv)
- Trade Finance Extract (tradefinance.csv)
- Syndicates Extract (syndicates.csv)
11. Enteract Person Extract User Manual
The Enteract Person Extract (FEN_PERSON.SQT) batch application is a non-updating batch application that extracts a list of organization records with demographics and account summary information.
- Enteract Person Extract (FEN_PERSON.SQT)
- Person Extract (person.csv)
12. Enteract Supplemental Extracts User Manual
The Enteract Supplemental Extracts (FEN_SUPP.SQT) batch application is a non-updating batch application that produces five CSV extract files. CIF extract is a list of all person and organization records and their related details. Collateral is a list of all collateral records with their details. Credit Card is a list of all credit cards and their details. Limit is a list of all lines of credit and letter of credit accounts and their details. Customer Party Relationship is a list of all person and organization records with their relationships to other person and organization records.
- Enteract Supplemental Extracts (FEN_SUPP.SQT)
- CIF Extract (cif.csv)
- Collateral Extract (collateral.csv)
- Customer Product – Credit Card Extract (creditcard.csv)
- Limit Extract (limit.csv)
- Customer Party Relationship Extract (customerpartyrelationship.csv)

App Information
- Version
- - Published March 2024