User Field Search
This application will enable your users to be able to search for Person, Organization or Account records that contain a value for the selected custom user field.
The User Field Search screen is available from the "Quick Inquires" menu as "User Field Search".
The screen contains a radio button list to select your search type (Person, Organization or Account), a dropdown of user fields that are configured to search by, and a textbox that is used to specify the search term.
The "search by" dropdown is configured by creating a User Field Group with the UserFieldGroupCd of FCSS and adding User Fields to this group. If this group code is already used you can configure a different group code using the BankOption UFLU.
The "search term" textbox allows wild-card characters % and *. Pressing the enter key in this textbox will submit the search.
Double clicking on a search result will open the selected Person, Organization or Account in the appropriate maintenance screen.
This application will enable your users to be able to search for Person, Organization or Account records that contain a value for the selected custom user field.
App Information
- Version
- - Published June 2020
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DNAapp Type: Screen
Developed with DNAcreator™
DNAX File Name: DNAUserFieldSearch.dnax