New Loan Accounts Extract image

New Loan Accounts Extract

By Prometheus Financial Solutions LLC

The New Loan Accounts Extract application provides the financial institution with several operational efficiencies It allows the financial institution to produce a simple extract that contains information required to send new account letters for loans originated within a selected reporting period; it includes additional fields not available within the standard new loan notices. This extract file can be processed by the client or sent to a third-party vendor to be printed.

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The New Loan Accounts Extract application is a non-updating application that allows a financial institution to produce a simple extract that contains information required to send new account letters for loans originated within a selected reporting period; it includes additional fields not available within the standard new loan notices. This extract file can be processed by the client or sent to a third-party vendor to be printed.


The New Loan Accounts Extract application provides the financial institution with several operational efficiencies, which include:

  • Ability to extract information for loans originated over a variety of time periods.
  • Reduction of processing costs through the production of notices with custom formatting, potentially saving paper and postage costs.
  • Reduces customer/member confusion, as additional detail fields (including collateral information) are available within the extract.
  • Allows the financial institution to create a comma-separated notice extract file which can be sent to a third-party vendor.


App Information

Version - Published September 2023
Developer Website


DNAapp Type:  New Batch Extract

Developed with DNAcreator™
DNAX File Name: NewLoanAccountsExtract.dnax