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Enhanced Collateral Search

By Prometheus Financial Solutions LLC

The Enhanced Collateral Search DNAapp will allow the user to obtain a snapshot of all collateral under a Person, Organization or Account

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The Enhanced Collateral Search screens are an enhancement to existing DNA® collateral functionality. The new screens will allow the user to gain a snapshot overview of all collateral under a Person, Organization, or Account, and will also allow the user to narrow the search for collateral(s) under a Person, Organization, or Account with specific criteria. Once the user initiates a search, the Loan to Value percentages of the different collateral categories and collateral types for a Borrower can be easily viewed in pie chart illustrations, and the user will also have the option to view the details of the individual collateral records. 


This DNAapp is exceptionally useful for loan reviews, in which a user can now easily and quickly view a Borrowers aggregate collateral values through a single screen. A User can also view how the collateral affects the Loan-to-Value ratios through the display of pie chart visual graphics.

App Information

Version - Published November 2015
Developer Website


DNAapp Type: Screens

Developed with DNAcreator™

DNAX File Name: CollateralSearchEnhancement.dnax