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Employee Access Report


The Employee Access Report DNAapp is a non-updating batch application that will track employee inquiries on both regular customer/member accounts and employee/employee-owned accounts. It creates a report that can be utilized by the Financial Institution’s Audit or Risk Management teams.

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The Employee Access Report DNAapp is a non-updating batch application that will track employee inquiries on both regular customer/member accounts and employee/employee-owned accounts. It creates a report that can be utilized by the Financial Institution’s Audit or Risk Management teams.
The report has two separate sections:

  • The first section is inquiries performed on employees or employee owned accounts.
  • The second section is inquiries performed on non-employee owned accounts (general client portfolio) or records.

The Employee Access Report application is designed so Financial Institutions have a configurable option to help quickly review “who is looking at what”, particularly when higher-level users may have access to view data that is unencrypted such as Tax Identification Numbers (TINs), and other sensitive account or personal information. This can help identify potential fraudulent activities such as personal information snooping or identity theft that is started by internal resources as opposed to external sources.
No one wants to suspect their employees of nefarious activities, yet there needs to be controls in place that help monitor those with greater access and the ability to misuse it.


The Employee Access Report application provides the Financial Institution the ability to monitor selected inquiries made on employees, employee accounts and customer/member accounts. It includes a number of flexible options designed to help the Financial Institution review only what they need, without having to filter through more cumbersome activity reports or screens.
Features include:

  • Functionality to include only Activity Categories and Activity Types per User selection
  • Easy-to-read report formatting that displays which data was viewed  - who did it, what persons or accounts they werelooking at, when they did it, and from what screen.
  • Both scheduled and on-demand run-time availability, with User-defined data ranges.
  • Ability to exclude certain Users from having their inquiries included on the report.
  • An option where Data Center User (i.e. Data Center Client Services) inquiries can be excluded from the report.
  • Capability to run isolated queries to show inquiries by the following over a chosen time period:
    • Responsible Person or small group of Persons
    • Subject Person or small group of Persons
    • Subject Account or small group of Accounts
  • Providing of a “checks and balances” internal monitoring method to help ensure inquiries are legitimate and needed as part of normal course of business, and to help protect both customers’/members’ and employees’ privacy.

App Information

Version - Published April 2017
Developer Website


DNAapp Type: Batch Application/Report 

Developed with DNAcreator™

DNAX File Name: EmplAccessRpt.dnax