Deposit Change Review Report image

Deposit Change Review Report

By Greylock Technology Group

This app generates a report of data changes for deposit accounts over a specified date range for audit purposes.  The report has twelve optional sections that can be displayed, as well as a parameter that can be used to not report changes made by automated processes (e.g. batch changes).

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The Deposit Change Review application reports data changes for deposit accounts over a specified date range.  The application has twelve optional sections that can be displayed, as well as a parameter that can be used to not report changes made by automated processes (e.g. batch changes).   The report has two sort/page break options:  Sort and page break by activity type or sort and page break by branch then by activity type.  The report can be run for all branches or for specific branches.  You can also specify which types of changes to report (e.g. add, update, delete).  In addition to the LIS report, there is an option to create one or separate CSV files (per report option) for further analysis of information.  These files will be saved to the report queue folder along with the LIS report.  The file name for the one (combined) file is DEPOSITCHANGEREVIEW.csv.  The file name for the separate files is the name of the report section (e.g. MaturityDateChanges.csv).  If Report Sort Option 2 (sort and page break by branch and then by activity type) is chosen, there will be separate files for each separate branch within the report section (e.g. MaturityDateChanges_Main Branch.csv).



This application allows a financial institution to easily review and audit important changes made by employees to deposit accounts through DNA®.



App Information

Version - Published November 2023
Developer Website


DNAapp Type:  Report

Developed with DNAcreator™

DNAX File Name: DepositChangeReview.dnax