CUETS to Everlink PIN Migration image

CUETS to Everlink PIN Migration

By Prometheus Financial Solutions LLC

AT_CUETSPANTOEVERLINK.SQT allows users to insert old CUETS PAN on the Everlink Card order file in an automated way and a report on it. Everlink can use this card order file to pull the PIN associated with the old CUETS PAN and link that to the new Everlink card order. In doing this the member can continue to use existing PIN they used with their CUETS card on the new Everlink card they receive.

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The CUETS to Everlink PIN Migration DNAapp consists of two SQTs:



AT_CUETSPANTOEVERLINK.SQT allows users to insert old CUETS PAN on the Everlink Card order file in an automated way and a report on it. Everlink can use this card order file to pull the PIN associated with the old CUETS PAN and link that to the new Everlink card order. In doing this the member can continue to use existing PIN they used with their CUETS card on the new Everlink card they receive.
Many members use the PAN from their Member Card as a login ID for MemberDirect. However, when the member is assigned a new card PAN with their Everlink issues card, they will not be able to use the new PAN without doing additional setup through their financial institution and/or MemberDirect. To minimize this inconvenience to members, AT_CHIPCARDREISSUEPANMAPPING.SQT creates a new mapping file with old and new card PANs. This mapping file can be sent to Central1 to migrate MemberDirect profiles from old to new card PANs. A report is also generated showing the mapping between old and new PANs.

The CUETS to Everlink PIN Migration DNAapp offers an automated, user-friendly solution by inserting the old CUETS PAN in the Everlink card order file and mapping the old and new PANs. With this app, you can:

  • Enjoy a more efficient and user-friendly workflow.
  • Save mailing cost by eliminating the need of sending a new pin mailer with every card re-issued.
  • Have members to continue use their old PIN and MemberDirect with the new card.


Note: This app is available to Canadian clients only. 

App Information

Version - Published May 2023
Developer Website


DNAapp Type: Batch Application 

Developed with DNAcreator™

DNAX File Name: CuetsPANtoEverlink.dnax