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Commercial Business Profiler

By Redstone Federal Credit Union

This multiple screen app provides a one-stop hub for a financial institution to review and investigate a business and its owners’/officers’ financial activities before offering a new service or approving a new account. The app also analyzes an FI's commercial growth dynamics and account composition by zip code, industry, type and more.

Meta information




The Commercial Business Profiler is a multi screen DNAapp that provides a one-stop hub for a financial institution to review and investigate a business and its owners/’officers’ financial activities before offering a new service or approving a new account. The application provides an array of functionalities through the following screens:
This screen provides a comprehensive search capability that allows a user to find a business or businesses by business name or partial name, member number, tax ID phone number (US phone only), email address, account number, and zip code. The user can refine the search result by applying the filters provided with the search panel. The user can also export the search result into a CSV file by using the Export command at the bottom of the screen. From the business list, a user can highlight and double click a business to navigate to the Business Info screen.
This menu is disabled when the application is launched from Relationship Profile.
Business Info
This screen provides general information and its basic financial activities of selected financial institution. It has three basic sections. The top section, Business Overview, provides an overview of the institution and its business natures defined by a list of user fields. The middle section provides the North America Industry Classification System (NAICS) hierarchy of the institution that is used by US Census Bureau to define the nature of a business. The bottom section lists notes and warnings the financial institution has posted to the business in the past.
Owner Info
This screen lists all persons who are owners or officers of the business. The users can decide the types of stakeholders of the business to list through a set of account roles defined by a configuration variable. The credit score history of a selected owner/officer is displayed in column chart. In case a selected owner/officer has defined roles on other businesses, the businesses will be listed in the grid below the chart.
Account Info
This screen provides information of deposit, loan, and credit card accounts of a business. The user can select an account to examine the dynamics of account daily balances, transaction summaries, Year to Date (YTD) statistics, warnings and notes, and reported negative activities.
This screen lists all the dividends paid to deposit account and interest and fee charged to loan accounts in the history of a business. It also provides all fees a financial institution charged by a specific date range. From this screen, a user can decide how profitable the business has been as a member or customer.
This screen provides an overview of business members/customers of a financial institution. It presents businesses distributions by industry and zip code and business growth by years and months. It also provides account analysis through yearly growth and account number breakdowns by account major, minor, and status. A user can export the businesses to CSV files based on different filters. 
This menu is disabled when the application is launched from Relationship Profile.
This screen generates a snapshot report of a business including basic information, user fields, and account activities summaries. The user can print a hard copy of the report or export to a PDF file.
This application saves time and helps users make more informed decisions by combining and simplifying several major tasks undertaken by the business servicing and/or business lending departments of a financial institution, such as reviewing business activities, approving new services, opening new accounts, and issuing new loans.
Here are the key benefits of this application with regard to the functionalities:
  • Enhanced search options and search result filtering and exporting
  • Business general information aggregation
  • Business owner/office credit score reviewing
  • Account daily balance dynamics and statistical analysis
  • Account transaction summaries and snapshots
  • Business profitability historical reviewing
  • Business negative and abnormal activities reviewing
  • Financial Institution’s business member/customer industrial and geographical distributions
  • Financial Institution’s business member/customer  yearly and monthly growth dynamics
  • Financial Institution’s business account analysis through historical growth and account type and status breakdowns
  • Business snapshot report generating and printing

App Information

Version Published September 2021
Developer Website


DNAapp Type: Screen

Developed with DNAcreator™

DNAX File Name:   CommercialBusinessProfilerPkg.dnaxp