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All Accounts History

By Fiserv

This app creates a new screen that displays transaction activity for all accounts for which the selected Customer / Member is listed as the tax owner, and optionally, the non-Tax Owner.

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The All Accounts History inquiry provides a convenient / time saving method of viewing transaction activity along with the running balance all at once for all accounts for which your Customer / Member is the tax owner and optionally the non-Tax Owner. The inquiry screen and viewing options are similar to the standard DNA® Account Transaction History Inquiry.


When your staff wants quick access to a Customer/Member’s transaction activity across all of their accounts, the All Accounts History DNAapp is the answer. Instead of going into each and every account of a particular person/organization to find a transaction or balance, you can use this new screen to quickly view all of that person’s transaction activity. You can then filter your results and click into specific transactions for additional detail, check images and related transactions.

The All Accounts History screen is accessible from numerous places within DNA and auto populates transaction data for all of the Tax Reported For accounts of the actively selected person or account. So, for example, if you’re on the Maintenance screen for John Doe and click All Accounts History, the screen displays the transaction activity for all of the accounts where John Doe is the tax owner. A Slide Out lets you select other people/organizations once you are in the screen. The inquiry screen and viewing options are similar to the standard DNA Account Transaction History Inquiry.

  • Save time and effort searching, viewing, filtering, and finding transaction data, including transaction activity, details, balances, check images, and more
  • View transaction activity from all of a person/organization’s Tax Reported For accounts in one familiar looking screen
  • Drill down into a Customer/Member’s transaction activity from multiple places within DNA to access detailed transaction information on the fly
  • Quickly find and access transaction and balance information when you are not sure which account a transaction occurred in

App Information

Version - Published September 2021
Developer Website


DNAapp Type: Screen

Developed with DNAcreator™

Technical Name - AllAccountsHistoryMenu

DNAX File Name: AllAccountsHistoryMenu.dnax