Account Role Manager
The Account Role Manager is a multiple screen DNAapp developed to simplify and streamline the operation of updating a person’s or organization’s roles for a list of deposit accounts (e.g. checking, savings, money market, etc). It allows a user to search for the deposit accounts of a person or organization, select the account of interest, add roles for a new person or organization to selected accounts, remove roles for an existing person or organization from selected accounts, and change account ownership types after roles have been added to or removed from selected accounts. The app also automatically delinks the agreements between a person and selected accounts once the NonTax Owner and/or NonTax Signator roles are removed.
When multiple account maintenance is required, this app is available from Relationships (Service tab) > Maintenance > Account Role Manager Menu. When only single account maintenance is required, this app is available from Relationships (Service tab) > Maintenance > Deposit Account > Account Role Manager Toolbar.
Please note that this application does not apply to loan accounts.
- Streamlined process: perform adding/removing account roles in an intuitive manner
- Robust search capability for persons or organizations
- Option to change account ownership types
- Automatically delink agreements due to account role changes

App Information
- Version
- - Published January 2019
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DNAapp Type: Screens
Developed with DNAcreator™
DNAX File Name: AccountRoleManager.Menu.dnax