Account Role Maintenance image

Account Role Maintenance

By Fiserv

The Account Role Maintenance DNAapp provides the ability to add, update, and delete roles on accounts, based on information contained in a CSV (comma separated) data file. The application records activity and produces a report for all role maintenance performed.

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This application provides the ability to add, update, and delete roles on accounts, based on information contained in a CSV (comma separated) data file. The application records activity and produces a report for all role maintenance performed.



This application helps improve financial institution efficiency by providing a file driven maintenance capability for Account Role changes. In situations where numerous role changes are needed, a CSV file can be created using Excel, which can then be used by this application. This would replace the process of navigating to the relevant screens and entering the needed data for each subject account in DNA®.

App Information

Version - Published August 2020
Developer Website


DNAapp Type: Batch Application

Developed with DNAcreator™

Technical Name - PS_ROLE_MAINT

DNAX File Name: PS_ROLE_MAINT.dnax