Person Occupation Classification  image

Person Occupation Classification

By Prometheus Financial Solutions LLC

The Person Occupation DNAapp allows users to search and select correct National Occupation Classification (NOC) code and job title for their members.

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The Person Occupation Classification DNAapp allows Canadian Financial Institution users to search and select correct National Occupational Classification (NOC) codes and job titles and assign them to the person record.


The Person Occupation DNAapp offers a user-friendly solution by allowing users to select the correct NOC code and corresponding job title for a person. This DNAapp offers:

  • User friendly and easy steps to select the correct NOC code and job title and assign to the person record.
  • Preloaded values from the recent NOC system update 2021.1 published and available in November 2022.
  • Users can search either by NOC code or by job title.
  • Easy maintenance of the NOC description or job title within DNA. 

Youtube link:
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe>

App Information

Version - Published May 2023
Developer Website


DNAapp Type: Screen

Developed with DNAcreator™

Technical Name: PersonOccupationPackage

DNAX File Name: PersonOccupationPackage.dnax