Easy File Loader image

Easy File Loader

By Fiserv

This DNAapp will allow clients to automate the file load process within DNA, eliminating the need to manually load files.

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The purpose of this application is to emulate the load functionality Core FileLoader using an SQR program that can be scheduled and run using DNA Core Batch Processing. 

Note: Easy File Loader DNAapp (as well as Core FileLoader) does not directly load files. It runs other .sqts and stored procedures that do all the file loading and processing.

This application will allow organizations to automate additional back office functionality.  Once the files are loaded, they will appear in the Core FileLoader screens and organizations will have the same operational capabilities as files loaded in the conventional manner.

Easy File Loader DNAapp is commonly used with the Appworx Automation software.

The report generated from Easy File Loader DNAapp (PS_FILELOADER.lis) is placed in the normal batch file report folders.



This DNAapp will allow clients to automate the file load process within DNA, eliminating the need to manually load files.


Please contact your Client Partner for adjusted pricing if AppWorx was purchased through Fiserv.

App Information

Version - Published August 2023
Developer Website


DNAapp Type: Batch Application

Third Party Integration

Developed with DNAcreator™

Technical Name - PS_FILELOADER

DNAX File Name: ps_fileloader.dnax